The AD587JR-REEL7 represents a major advance in state-of-the-art monolithic voltage references. Using a proprietary ion-implanted buried Zener diode and laser wafer trimming of high stability thin-film resistors, the AD587JR-REEL7 provides outstanding performance at low cost.
The AD587JR-REEL7 offers much higher performance than most other 10 V references. Because the AD587JR-REEL7 uses an industry-standard pinout, many systems can be upgraded instantly with the AD587.
The buried Zener approach to reference design provides lower noise and drift than band gap voltage references. The AD587JR-REEL7 offers a noise-reduction pin that can be used to further reduce the noise level generated by the buried Zener.
The AD587JR-REEL7 is recommended for use as a reference for 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bit, 14-bit, or 16-bit DACs that require an external precision reference. The device is also ideal for successive approximation or integrating ADCs with up to 14 bits of accuracy. In general, it offers better performance than standard on-chip references.
The AD587J and AD587K are specified for operation from 0°C to 70°C, and the AD587U is specified for operation from −55°C to +125°C. The AD587JQ and AD587UQ models are available in 8-lead CERDIP. Other models are available in an 8-lead SOIC package for surface-mount applications, or in an 8-lead PDIP.
Product Highlights
- Laser trimmed to high accuracy 10.000 V ± 5 mV (U grade)
- Trimmed temperature coefficient5 ppm/°C maximum (U grade)
- Noise-reduction capability
- Low quiescent current: 4 mA maximum
- Output trim capability
- MIL-STD-883-compliant versions available
(Picture: Pinout)