The high stability of the AD589SH is primarily dependent upon the matching and thermal tracking of the on-chip components. Analog Devices' precision bipolar processing and thin-film technology combine to provide excelent performance at low cost.
Additionally, the active circuit produces an output impedance ten times lower than typical low-TC Zener diodes. This feature allows operation with no external components required to maintain full accuracy under changing load conditions.
The AD589SH is available in seven versions. The AD589J, K, L and M grades are specified for 0°C to +70°C operation, while the S, T, and U grades are rated for the full -55°C to +125°C temperature range. All grades are available in a metal can (H-02A) package. The AD589J is also available in an 8-pin SOIC package.
- Superior Replacement for Other 1.2 V References
- Wide Operating Range: 50 µA to 5 mA
- Low Power: 60 µW Total PD at 50 µA
- Low Temperature Coefficient:10 ppm/°C Max, 0°C to 70/°C (AD589M)
- 2-Terminal Zener Operation
- Low Output Impedance: 0.6 Ω
- No Frequency Compensation Required
- Low Cost
- MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
(Picture: Pinout)