All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
DescriptionThe TPS4030x is a family of cost-optimized synchronous buck controllers that operate from3-V to 20-V input. The controller implements a voltage-mode control architecture with input-voltagefeed-forward compensation that responds instantly to a change in input voltage. The switchingfrequency is fixed at 300kHz, 600 kHz, or 1.2 MHz.
The frequency spread-spectrum (FSS) feature adds to the switching frequency,significantly reducing the peak EMI noise and making it much easier to comply with EMIstandards.
The TPS4030x offers design with a variety of user-programmable functions, including softstart, overcurrent protection (OCP) levels, and loop compensation.
OCP level may be programmed by a single external resistor connected from the LDRV pin tocircuit ground. During initial power on, the TPS4030x enters a calibration cycle, measures thevoltage at the LDRV pin, and sets an internal OCP voltage level. During operation, the programmedOCP voltage level is compared to the voltage drop across the low-side FET when it is on todetermine whether there is an overcurrent condition. The TPS4030x then enters a shutdown andrestart cycle until the fault is removed.
- Input Voltage Range From 3 V to 20 V
- 300-kHz (TPS40303), 600-kHz (TPS40304), and 1.2-MHz (TPS40305) SwitchingFrequencies
- High- and Low-Side FET RDS(on) CurrentSensing
- Programmable Thermally Compensated OCP Levels
- Programmable Soft Start
- 600-mV, 1%Reference Voltage
- Voltage Feed-ForwardCompensation
- Supports Prebiased Output
- Frequency SpreadSpectrum
- Thermal Shutdown Protection at 145°C
- 10-Pin 3-mm× 3-mm VSON Package With Ground Connection to Thermal Pad
- Create a Custom Design Using the TPS4030x With theWEBENCH? Power Designer
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
DescriptionThe TPS4030x is a family of cost-optimized synchronous buck controllers that operate from3-V to 20-V input. The controller implements a voltage-mode control architecture with input-voltagefeed-forward compensation that responds instantly to a change in input voltage. The switchingfrequency is fixed at 300kHz, 600 kHz, or 1.2 MHz.
The frequency spread-spectrum (FSS) feature adds to the switching frequency,significantly reducing the peak EMI noise and making it much easier to comply with EMIstandards.
The TPS4030x offers design with a variety of user-programmable functions, including softstart, overcurrent protection (OCP) levels, and loop compensation.
OCP level may be programmed by a single external resistor connected from the LDRV pin tocircuit ground. During initial power on, the TPS4030x enters a calibration cycle, measures thevoltage at the LDRV pin, and sets an internal OCP voltage level. During operation, the programmedOCP voltage level is compared to the voltage drop across the low-side FET when it is on todetermine whether there is an overcurrent condition. The TPS4030x then enters a shutdown andrestart cycle until the fault is removed.