

  • 描述:输出类别: 晶体管驱动器 拓扑结构: 美元 输出配置: 阳性的 开关频率: 100千赫兹~1MHz 电源电压: 3V~5.5V 供应商设备包装: 6-WSON (3x3)
  • 品牌: 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 交期:5-7 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽


起订量: 1

数量 单价 合计
1+ 16.44138 16.44138
10+ 14.76827 147.68273
25+ 13.93534 348.38350
100+ 11.87256 1187.25620
250+ 11.14769 2786.92300
500+ 9.75415 4877.07900
1000+ 9.20210 9202.10400
  • 库存: 10746
  • 单价: ¥16.44138
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥16.44

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 部件状态 可供货
  • 输出类别 晶体管驱动器
  • 功能 降压
  • 输出配置 阳性的
  • 拓扑结构 美元
  • 输出数量 one
  • 输出阶段 one
  • 同步整流装置 Yes
  • 串口 -
  • 安装类别 表面安装
  • 时钟同步
  • 最大占空比 -
  • 制造厂商 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 工作温度 -40摄氏度~125摄氏度(TJ)
  • 控制功能特性 使能够
  • 开关频率 100千赫兹~1MHz
  • 电源电压 (Vcc/Vdd) 2.8伏~5.5伏
  • 包装/外壳 6-WDFN Exposed Pad
  • 供应商设备包装 6-WSON (3x3)
  • 电源电压 3V~5.5V

LM1771USD/NOPB 产品详情

The LM1771USD/NOPB device is an efficient synchronous buck switching controller with a precision enable requiring no external compensation. The constant ON-time control scheme provides a simple design free of compensation components, allowing minimal component count and board space. The precision enable pin allows flexibility in sequencing multiple rails and setting UVLO. The LM1771USD/NOPB also incorporates a unique input feedforward to maintain a constant frequency independent of the input voltage. The LM1771USD/NOPB is optimized for a low-voltage input range of 2.8 V to 5.5 V and can provide an adjustable output as low as 0.8 V. Driving an external high-side PFET and low-side NFET, it can provide efficiencies as high as 95%.

Three versions of the LM1771USD/NOPB are available depending on the switching frequency desired for the application. Nominal switching frequencies are in the range of 100 kHz to 1000 kHz.


  • Input Voltage Range of 2.8 V to 5.5 V
  • 0.8-V Reference Voltage
  • Precision Enable
  • No Compensation Required
  • Constant Frequency Across Input Range
  • Low Quiescent Current of 400 μA
  • Internal Soft-Start
  • Short Circuit Protection
  • 6-Pin WSON Package and 8-Pin VSSOP Package

The LM1771 device is an efficient synchronous buck switching controller with a precision enable requiring no external compensation. The constant ON-time control scheme provides a simple design free of compensation components, allowing minimal component count and board space. The precision enable pin allows flexibility in sequencing multiple rails and setting UVLO. The LM1771 also incorporates a unique input feedforward to maintain a constant frequency independent of the input voltage. The LM1771 is optimized for a low-voltage input range of 2.8 V to 5.5 V and can provide an adjustable output as low as 0.8 V. Driving an external high-side PFET and low-side NFET, it can provide efficiencies as high as 95%.

Three versions of the LM1771 are available depending on the switching frequency desired for the application. Nominal switching frequencies are in the range of 100 kHz to 1000 kHz.

LM1771USD/NOPB所属分类:DC - DC开关控制器,LM1771USD/NOPB 由 德州仪器 (Texas) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。LM1771USD/NOPB价格参考¥16.441383,你可以下载 LM1771USD/NOPB中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询LM1771USD/NOPB规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!

德州仪器 (Texas)

德州仪器 (Texas)


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