

  • 描述:输出类别: 晶体管驱动器 拓扑结构: 降压、升压、反激、正向转换器、全桥、半桥、推挽 输出配置: 阳性的 开关频率: 340千赫兹 ~ 460千赫兹 电源电压: 4.5伏~5.5伏 供应商设备包装: 16-SOIC
  • 品牌: 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 交期:5-7 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽


起订量: 1

数量 单价 合计
1+ 36.50421 36.50421
10+ 32.75963 327.59637
25+ 30.97353 774.33845
100+ 26.84291 2684.29120
250+ 25.46661 6366.65400
500+ 22.85106 11425.53000
1000+ 22.72640 22726.40900
2000+ 22.72640 45452.81800
  • 库存: 0
  • 单价: ¥36.50422
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥36.50

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 部件状态 可供货
  • 输出类别 晶体管驱动器
  • 输出配置 阳性的
  • 输出阶段 one
  • 串口 -
  • 安装类别 表面安装
  • 同步整流装置
  • 时钟同步
  • 供应商设备包装 16-SOIC
  • 工作温度 0摄氏度~70摄氏度(TA)
  • 制造厂商 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 功能 上一步,下一步,上一步/下一步
  • 拓扑结构 降压、升压、反激、正向转换器、全桥、半桥、推挽
  • 输出数量 two
  • 电源电压 (Vcc/Vdd) 8.4V ~ 30V
  • 开关频率 340千赫兹 ~ 460千赫兹
  • 控制功能特性 电流限制、启用、频率控制、斜坡、软启动
  • 最大占空比 85%
  • 包装/外壳 16-SOIC(0.295“,7.50毫米宽)
  • 电源电压 4.5伏~5.5伏

UC3825DWTR 产品详情

The UC1825 family of PWM control ICs is optimized for high frequency switched mode power supply applications. Particular care was given to minimizing propagation delays through the comparators and logic circuitry while maximizing bandwidth and slew rate of the error amplifier. This controller is designed for use in either current-mode or voltage mode systems with the capability for input voltage feed-forward.

Protection circuitry includes a current limit comparator with a 1V threshold, a TTL compatible shutdown port, and a soft start pin which will double as a maximum duty cycle clamp. The logic is fully latched to provide jitter free operation and prohibit multiple pulses at an output. An under-voltage lockout section with 800mV of hysteresis assures low start up current. During under-voltage lockout, the outputs are high impedance.

These devices feature totem pole outputs designed to source and sink high peak currents from capacitive loads, such as the gate of a power MOSFET. The on state is designed as a high level.


  • Compatible with Voltage or Current Mode Topologies
  • Practical Operation Switching Frequencies to 1MHz
  • 50ns Propagation Delay to Output
  • High Current Dual Totem Pole Outputs (1.5A Peak)
  • Wide Bandwidth Error Amplifier
  • Fully Latched Logic with Double Pulse Suppression
  • Pulse-by-Pulse Current Limiting
  • Soft Start / Max. Duty Cycle Control
  • Under-Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis
  • Low Start Up Current (1.1mA)

The UC1825 family of PWM control ICs is optimized for high frequency switched mode power supply applications. Particular care was given to minimizing propagation delays through the comparators and logic circuitry while maximizing bandwidth and slew rate of the error amplifier. This controller is designed for use in either current-mode or voltage mode systems with the capability for input voltage feed-forward.

Protection circuitry includes a current limit comparator with a 1V threshold, a TTL compatible shutdown port, and a soft start pin which will double as a maximum duty cycle clamp. The logic is fully latched to provide jitter free operation and prohibit multiple pulses at an output. An under-voltage lockout section with 800mV of hysteresis assures low start up current. During under-voltage lockout, the outputs are high impedance.

These devices feature totem pole outputs designed to source and sink high peak currents from capacitive loads, such as the gate of a power MOSFET. The on state is designed as a high level.

UC3825DWTR所属分类:DC - DC开关控制器,UC3825DWTR 由 德州仪器 (Texas) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。UC3825DWTR价格参考¥36.504216,你可以下载 UC3825DWTR中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询UC3825DWTR规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!

德州仪器 (Texas)

德州仪器 (Texas)


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