

  • 描述:输出类别: 晶体管驱动器 拓扑结构: Boost、Flyback、Forward Converter、Full Bridge、Half Bridge、Push Pull 输出配置: 阳性的 开关频率: 400千赫兹 ~ 1MHz 电源电压: 4.5伏~5.5伏 供应商设备包装: 16-SOIC
  • 品牌: 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 交期:5-7 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽

起订量: 1

数量 单价 合计
1+ 149.42102 149.42102
10+ 137.32538 1373.25384
25+ 131.63536 3290.88405
100+ 117.47259 11747.25950
  • 库存: 165
  • 单价: ¥149.42103
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥149.42

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 部件状态 可供货
  • 输出类别 晶体管驱动器
  • 输出配置 阳性的
  • 输出数量 one
  • 输出阶段 one
  • 功能 上一步,上一步/下一步
  • 串口 -
  • 安装类别 表面安装
  • 同步整流装置
  • 时钟同步
  • 供应商设备包装 16-SOIC
  • 工作温度 0摄氏度~70摄氏度(TA)
  • 制造厂商 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 拓扑结构 Boost、Flyback、Forward Converter、Full Bridge、Half Bridge、Push Pull
  • 最大占空比 100%
  • 开关频率 400千赫兹 ~ 1MHz
  • 包装/外壳 16-SOIC(0.295“,7.50毫米宽)
  • 控制功能特性 电流限制、频率控制、斜坡、软启动
  • 电源电压 (Vcc/Vdd) 8.4V ~ 22V
  • 电源电压 4.5伏~5.5伏

UC3823ADW 产品详情

The UC3823ADW and UC3823B and the UC3825A and UC3825B family of PWM controllers are improved versions of the standard UC3823 and UC3825 family. Performance enhancements have been made to several of the circuit blocks. Error amplifier gain bandwidth product is 12 MHz, while input offset voltage is 2 mV. Current limit threshold is assured to a tolerance of 5%. Oscillator discharge current is specified at 10 mA for accurate dead time control. Frequency accuracy is improved to 6%. Startup supply current, typically 100 μA, is ideal for off-line applications. The output drivers are redesigned to actively sink current during UVLO at no expense to the startup current specification. In addition each output is capable of 2-A peak currents during transitions.

Functional improvements have also been implemented in this family. The UC3825 shutdown comparator is now a high-speed overcurrent comparator with a threshold of 1.2 V. The overcurrent comparator sets a latch that ensures full discharge of the soft-start capacitor before allowing a restart. While the fault latch is set, the outputs are in the low state. In the event of continuous faults, the soft-start capacitor is fully charged before discharge to insure that the fault frequency does not exceed the designed soft start period. The UC3825 CLOCK pin has become CLK/LEB. This pin combines the functions of clock output and leading edge blanking adjustment and has been buffered for easier interfacing.

The UC3825A and UC3825B have dual alternating outputs and the same pin configuration of the UC3825. The UC3823ADW and UC3823B outputs operate in phase with duty cycles from zero to less than 100%. The pin configuration of the UC3823ADW and UC3823B is the same as the UC3823 except pin 11 is now an output pin instead of the reference pin to the current limit comparator. "A" version parts have UVLO thresholds identical to the original UC3823 and UC3825. The "B" versions have UVLO thresholds of 16 V and 10 V, intended for ease of use in off-line applications.

Consult the application note, The UC3823A,B and UC3825A,B Enhanced Generation of PWM Controllers, (SLUA125) for detailed technical and applications information.


  • Improved Versions of the UC3823/UC3825 PWMs
  • Compatible with Voltage-Mode or Current-Mode Control Methods
  • Practical Operation at Switching Frequencies to 1 MHz
  • 50-ns Propagation Delay to Output
  • High-Current Dual Totem Pole Outputs (2-A Peak)
  • Trimmed Oscillator Discharge Current
  • Low 100-μA Startup Current
  • Pulse-by-Pulse Current Limiting Comparator
  • Latched Overcurrent Comparator With Full Cycle Restart

The UC3823A and UC3823B and the UC3825A and UC3825B family of PWM controllers are improved versions of the standard UC3823 and UC3825 family. Performance enhancements have been made to several of the circuit blocks. Error amplifier gain bandwidth product is 12 MHz, while input offset voltage is 2 mV. Current limit threshold is assured to a tolerance of 5%. Oscillator discharge current is specified at 10 mA for accurate dead time control. Frequency accuracy is improved to 6%. Startup supply current, typically 100 μA, is ideal for off-line applications. The output drivers are redesigned to actively sink current during UVLO at no expense to the startup current specification. In addition each output is capable of 2-A peak currents during transitions.

Functional improvements have also been implemented in this family. The UC3825 shutdown comparator is now a high-speed overcurrent comparator with a threshold of 1.2 V. The overcurrent comparator sets a latch that ensures full discharge of the soft-start capacitor before allowing a restart. While the fault latch is set, the outputs are in the low state. In the event of continuous faults, the soft-start capacitor is fully charged before discharge to insure that the fault frequency does not exceed the designed soft start period. The UC3825 CLOCK pin has become CLK/LEB. This pin combines the functions of clock output and leading edge blanking adjustment and has been buffered for easier interfacing.

The UC3825A and UC3825B have dual alternating outputs and the same pin configuration of the UC3825. The UC3823A and UC3823B outputs operate in phase with duty cycles from zero to less than 100%. The pin configuration of the UC3823A and UC3823B is the same as the UC3823 except pin 11 is now an output pin instead of the reference pin to the current limit comparator. "A" version parts have UVLO thresholds identical to the original UC3823 and UC3825. The "B" versions have UVLO thresholds of 16 V and 10 V, intended for ease of use in off-line applications.

Consult the application note, The UC3823A,B and UC3825A,B Enhanced Generation of PWM Controllers, (SLUA125) for detailed technical and applications information.

UC3823ADW所属分类:DC - DC开关控制器,UC3823ADW 由 德州仪器 (Texas) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。UC3823ADW价格参考¥149.421027,你可以下载 UC3823ADW中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询UC3823ADW规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!

德州仪器 (Texas)

德州仪器 (Texas)


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