The MC14076BCP 4-Bit Register consists of four D-type flip-flops operating synchronously from a common clock. OR gated output-disable inputs force the outputs into a high-impedance state for use in bus organized systems. OR gated data-disable inputs cause the Q outputs to be fed back to the D inputs of the flip-flops. Thus they are inhibited from changing state while the clocking process remains undisturbed. An asynchronous master root is provided to clear all four flip-flops simultaneously independent of the clock or disable inputs.
- Three-State Outputs with Gated Control Lines
- Fully Independent Clock Allows Unrestricted Operation for the Two Modes: Parallel Load and Do Nothing
- Asynchronous Master Reset
- Four Bus Buffer Registers
- Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 Vdc to 18 Vdc
- Capable of Driving Two Low-Power TTL Loads or One Low-Power Schottky TTL Load Over the Rated Temperature Range
- Pb-Free Packages are Available*
(Picture: Pinout)