The LTC221 and LTC2222CUK/IUK are micropower, quad CMOS analog switches which typically dissipate only 250µW from ±15V supplies and 40µW from a single 5V supply. Onboard latches allow the LTC221 and LTC2222CUK/IUK to interface directly to most microprocessor buses. The switches have 65 Ohms typical on resistance and a very high off resistance. A break before make characteristic is inherent in these switches to prevent the shorting of two channels. The signal range is ±15V with a supply voltage of ±15V and 0V to 5V with a single 5V supply. The switches have special charge compensation circuitry which greatly reduces charge injection to a maximum of ±25pC (±15V supplies).
The LTC221 and LTC2222CUK/IUK are designed for applications such as microprocessor controlled programmable gain amplifiers, automatic test equipment, communication systems, and data acquisition systems. The LTC221 is normally closed and the LTC2222CUK/IUK is normally open as shown in the Logic Table.
- Micropower Operation
- Single 5V or ±15V Supply Operation
- Low Charge Injection
- Low RON
- Low Leakage
- Guaranteed Break Before Make
- Latch Resistant Design
- TTL/CMOS Compatible
- Improved Second Source for DG221/DG222
- Microprocessor Bus Compatible
- Supply Current.................. I+ = 40µA, I- = 5µA Max
- Charge Injection±15V Supplies.................. ±25pC MaxSingle 5V Supply..................2pC Typ
- RON................... 65 Ohms Typ
- Signal Range.................... ±15V
(Picture: Pinout)