The TPS40425RHAR is a PMBus, synchronous buck, driverless controller. It operates innon-smart power mode in factory default setting, and it can operate in smart power mode after PMBusprogramming and power reboot. It can be configured as dual-output or 2-phase. It is also stackableup to 4 phases to support load current as high as 120 A. Interleaved phase shift for 2-, 3-, or4-phases reduce the input and output ripples therefore reducing input and outputcapacitance.
The wide input voltage range can support 5-V and 12-V intermediate supply buses. The 0.5%reference voltage satisfies the need of precision voltage to the modern ASICs.
Using the PMBus standard, the TPS40425RHAR device can program reference voltage, fault limit,UVLO threshold, soft-start time and turn-on and turn-off delay.
In addition, the device implements an accurate measurement system to monitor the outputvoltages, currents and temperatures for individual channels.
- Non-Smart Power Mode in Factory Default
- Pin-for-Pin Equivalent to TPS40428 – Smart Power Mode in Factory Default
- Single Supply Operation: 4.5 V to 20 V
- VOUT from 0.6 V
- Dual or Multi-Phase Synchronous Buck Controller
- Individual High-Speed AVS Interface
(0.5-V to 1.5-V Range) - Fast Transient Response
- Stackable up to Four Phases
- 2-, 3-, or 4-Phase Interleaved Phase Shifts
- Accurate Current Sharing
- PMBus Interface Capability
- Margining Up or Down with 2-mV Step
- Programmable Fault Limit and Response
- ±0.8% VOUT
- Accuracy Current Monitoring
- ±4.5°C External Temperature Monitoring with x3904
- Programmable UVLO ON/OFF Thresholds
- Programmable Soft-Start Time, Turn-On Delay, and Turn-Off Delay
- On-Chip Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) to Store Custom Configurations
- 0.6-V Reference Voltage with 0.5% Accuracy from –40°C to 125°C
- Inductor DCR Current Sensing
- Programmable SW from 200 kHz to 1.5 MHz
- Supports Pre-biased Output
- Differential Remote Sensing
- Synchronization to an Extermal Clock
- OC/OV/UV/OT Fault Protection
- 40-Pin, 6 mm × 6 mm, QFN Package
- Support for TI Power Stage