The LT1610CMS8 is a micropower fixed frequency DC/DC converter that operates from an input voltage as low as 1V. Intended for small, low power applications, it switches at 1.7MHz, allowing the use of tiny capacitors and inductors.
The device can generate 3V at 30mA from a single cell (1V) supply. An internal compensation network can be connected to the LT1610’s VC pin, eliminating two external components. No-load quiescent current of the LT1610CMS8 is 30µA, and the internal NPN power switch handles a 300mA current with a voltage drop of 300mV.
The LT1610CMS8 is available in 8-lead MSOP and SO packages.
- Uses Tiny Capacitors and Inductor
- Internally Compensated
- Low Quiescent Current: 30µA
- Operates with VIN as Low as 1V
- 3V at 30mA from a Single Cell
- 5V at 200mA from 3.3V
- High Output Voltage Capability: Up to 28V
- Low Shutdown Current: <1µA
- Automatic Burst Mode™ Switching at Light Load
- Low VCESAT Switch: 300mV at 300mA
- 8-Lead MSOP and SO Packages
- Pagers
- Cordless Phones
- Battery Backup
- LCD Bias
- Portable Electronic Equipment