The MAX507/MAX508 are complete 12-bit, voltage-output digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The DAC output voltage and the reference have the same polarity, allowing single-supply operation. Both DACs include an internal buried-zener reference. Integrating a DAC, voltage-output amplifier, and reference on one monolithic device greatly enhances reliability over multi-chip circuits. Double-buffered logic inputs interface easily to microprocessors (μPs). Data is transferred into the input register either from a 12-bit-wide data bus (MAX507) for 16-bit μPs, or in a right-justified (8+4)-bit format (MAX508) for 8- or 16-bit μPs. All logic signals are level triggered and are TTL and CMOS compatible. Interface timing specifications insure compatibility with all common μPs. The DACs are specified and tested for both dual-and single-supply operation. Usable supplies range from single +12V to dual ±15V. On-board gain-setting resistors allow three output-voltage ranges: 0V to +5V and 0V to +10V can be generated when using either single or dual supplies. With dual supplies, ±5V is also available. The output amplifier can drive a 2kΩ load to +10V.
- 12-Bit Voltage Output
- Internal Voltage Reference
- Fast μP Interface
- 12 (MAX507) and 8 + 4 (MAX508) Data-Bus Widths
- Single +12V to Dual ±15V Supply Operation
- 20- and 24-Pin DIP and Wide SO Packages
- Arbitrary function Waveform Generators
- Automated Calibration
- Automatic Test Equipment
- Digital Offset and Gain Adjustment
- Industrial Controls
- Machine and Motion Control