The MASW-004102-12760G device is a SP4T broadbandHMIC™ (Heterolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) process, US Patent 5,268,310. This process allows the incorporation of silicon pedestals that form series and shunt diodes or vias by imbeddingthem in low loss, low dispersion glass. By using smallspacing between elements, this combination of siliconand glass gives HMIC devices low loss and high isolationperformance with exceptional repeatability throughlow millimeter frequencies. Large bond pads facilitatethe use of low inductance ribbon bonds, while goldbackside metallization allows for manual or automaticchip bonding via 80/20 - Au/Sn, 62/36/2 - Sn/Pb/Agsolders or electrically conductive silver epoxy.Yellow areas denote wire bond padsThese high performance switches are suitable for usein multi-band ECM, Radar, and instrumentation controlcircuits where high isolation to insertion loss ratios arerequired. With a standard +5V/-5V, TTL controlled PINdiode driver, 80nS switching speeds can be achieved.
- Broad Bandwidth Specified up to 18 GHz
- RoHS* Compliant
- 260°C Reflow Compatible
- Fully Monolithic
- Rugged, Glass Encapsulated Construction
- Low Insertion Loss / High Isolation
- Integrated Bias Network
- Usable up to 26 GHz
- Aerospace and Defense
- Min Frequency: 2 MHz
- Max Frequency: 18,000 MHz
- Insertion Loss : 1.5 dB
- Isolation: 50 dB
- IIP3: 40 dBm
- CW Incident Power: 2 W