The LT1930 and LT1930AES5 are the industry's highest power SOT-23 switching regulators. Both include an internal 1A, 36V switch allowing high current outputs to be generated in a small footprint. The LT1930 switches at 1.2MHz, allowing the use of tiny, low cost and low height capacitors and inductors. The faster LT1930AES5 switches at 2.2MHz, enabling further reductions in inductor size. Complete regulator solutions approaching one tenth of a square inch in area are achievable with these devices. Multiple output power supplies can now use a separate regulator for each output voltage, replacing cumbersome quasi-regulated approaches using a single regulator and custom transformers.
A constant frequency internally compensated current mode PWM architecture results in low, predictable output noise that is easy to filter. Low ESR ceramic capacitors can be used at the output, further reducing noise to the millivolt level. The high voltage switch on the LT1930/LT1930AES5 is rated at 36V, making the device ideal for boost converters up to 34V as well as for single-ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC) and flyback designs. The LT1930 can generate 5V at up to 480mA from a 3.3V supply or 5V at 300mA from four alkaline cells in a SEPIC design.
The LT1930/LT1930AES5 are available in the 5-lead ThinSOT package.
- 1.2MHz Switching Frequency (LT1930)
- 2.2MHz Switching Frequency (LT1930A)
- Low VCESAT Switch: 400mV at 1A
- High Output Voltage: Up to 34V
- 5V at 480mA from 3.3V Input (LT1930)
- 12V at 250mA from 5V Input (LT1930A)
- Wide Input Range: 2.6V to 16V
- Uses Small Surface Mount Components
- Low Shutdown Current: <1µA
- Low Profile (1mm) ThinSOT™ Package
- Pin-for-Pin Compatible with the LT1613
- TFT-LCD Bias Supply
- Digital Cameras
- Cordless Phones
- Battery Backup
- Medical Diagnostic Equipment
- Local 5V or 12V Supply
- External Modems
- PC Cards
- xDSL Power Supply