The SNx4HC573A devices are octal transparent D-type latches that feature 3-state outputs designed specifically for driving highly capacitive or relatively low-impedance loads. They are particularly suitable for implementing buffer registers, I/O ports, bidirectional bus drivers, and working registers.
While the latch-enable (LE) input is high, the Q outputs respond to the data (D) inputs. When LE is low, the outputs are latched to retain the data that was set up.
- Wide Operating Voltage Range from 2 V to 6 V
- High-Current 3-State Outputs Drive Bus Lines Directly up to 15 LSTTL Loads
- Low Power Consumption: 80-μA Maximum ICC
- Typical tpd = 21 ns
- ±6-mA Output Drive at 5 V
- Low Input Current: 1 μA (Maximum)
- Bus-Structured Pinout
The SNx4HC573A devices are octal transparent D-type latches that feature 3-state outputs designed specifically for driving highly capacitive or relatively low-impedance loads. They are particularly suitable for implementing buffer registers, I/O ports, bidirectional bus drivers, and working registers.
While the latch-enable (LE) input is high, the Q outputs respond to the data (D) inputs. When LE is low, the outputs are latched to retain the data that was set up.