The MC74LCX158DG is a high performance, quad 2-input inverting multiplexer operating from a 2.3 to 3.6V supply. High impedance TTLcompatible inputs significantly reduce current loading to input drivers while TTL compatible outputs offer improved switching noise performance. A VI specification of 5.5V allows MC74LCX158DG inputs to besafely driven from 5V devices.Four bits of data from two sources can be selected using the Selectand Enable inputs. The four outputs present the selected data in the inverted form. The MC74LCX158DG can also be used as a function generator. Current drive capability is 24mA at the outputs.
- Designed for 2.3 to 3.6V VCC Operation
- 5V Tolerant Inputs - Interface Capability With 5V TTL Logic
- LVTTL Compatible
- LVCMOS Compatible
- 24mA Balanced Output Sink and Source Capability
- Near Zero Static Supply Current (10mA) Substantially Reduces System Power Requirements
- Latchup Performance Exceeds 500mA
- ESD Performance: Human Body Model >2000V; Machine Model >200V
- Pb-Free Packages are Available*