The MAX976/MAX978/MAX998 dual/quad/single, high-speed, low-power comparators are optimized for +3V/+5V single-supply applications. They achieve a 20ns propagation delay while consuming only 225μA supply current per comparator. The MAX998 features a low-power shutdown mode that places the output in a high-impedance state and reduces supply current to 1nA. The MAX976/MAX978/MAX998 inputs have a common-mode voltage range that extends 200mV below ground. Their outputs are capable of rail-to-rail operation without external pullup circuitry, making these devices ideal for interface with CMOS/TTL logic. All inputs and outputs can tolerate a continuous short-circuit fault condition to either rail. The comparators' internal hysteresis ensures clean output switching, even with slow-moving input signals. For space-critical applications, the single MAX998 is available in a 6-pin SOT23 package, the dual MAX9765ETJ is available in an 8-pin μMAX package, and the quad MAX978 is available in a 16-pin QSOP package.
- Single-Supply Operation Down to 2.7V
- 20ns Propagation Delay
- 225μA Supply Current
- 1nA Shutdown Supply Current
- Rail-to-Rail Outputs
- Ground-Sensing Inputs
- Internal Hysteresis Ensures Clean Switching
- Available in Space-Saving Packages
- SOT23 (MAX998)
- μMAX (MAX976)
- QSOP (MAX978)
- 3V Systems
- Battery-Powered Applications
- Digital-Line Receivers
- IR Receivers
- Threshold Detectors/Discriminators