

  • 描述:输出类别: 可调节 输出配置: 阳性的 拓扑结构: 美元 开关频率: 570千赫兹 输出电流: 3A 供应商设备包装: 8-SO PowerPad
  • 品牌: 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 交期:2-3 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽

起订量: 1

数量 单价 合计
1+ 4.42308 4.42308
30+ 3.87989 116.39673
100+ 3.40341 340.34170
500+ 2.88069 1440.34850
1000+ 2.61881 2618.81500
  • 库存: 14
  • 单价: ¥4.42308
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥4.42

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 制造厂商 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 部件状态 可供货
  • 功能 降压
  • 输出配置 阳性的
  • 拓扑结构 美元
  • 输出类别 可调节
  • 输出数量 one
  • 安装类别 表面安装
  • 同步整流装置
  • 输出电流 3A
  • 最小输出电压 / 固定输出电压 0.8伏
  • 最小电压输入 3.5伏
  • 工作温度 -40摄氏度~150摄氏度(TJ)
  • 包装/外壳 8-PowerSOIC (0.154", 3.90毫米 Width)
  • 供应商设备包装 8-SO PowerPad
  • 最大输出电压 25伏
  • 最大输入电压 28伏
  • 开关频率 570千赫兹

TPS54331DDAR 产品详情

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


The TPS54331DDAR device is a 28-V, 3-A non-synchronous buck converter that integrates a lowRDS(on) high-side MOSFET. To increase efficiency at light loads, a pulseskipping Eco-mode feature is automatically activated. Furthermore, the 1-μA shutdown supply-currentallows the device to be used in battery-powered applications. Current mode control with internalslope compensation simplifies the external compensation calculations and reduces component countwhile allowing the use of ceramic output capacitors. A resistor divider programs the hysteresis ofthe input undervoltage lockout. An overvoltage transient protection circuit limits voltageovershoots during startup and transient conditions. A cycle-by-cycle current-limit scheme,frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protect the device and the load in the event of an overloadcondition. The TPS54331DDAR device is available in an 8-pin SOIC package and 8-pin SO PowerPAD packagethat have been internally optimized to improve thermal performance.


  • 3.5 to 28-V Input Voltage Range
  • Adjustable Output Voltage Down to 0.8 V
  • Integrated 80-m? High-Side MOSFET Supports up to 3-A Continuous OutputCurrent
  • High Efficiency at Light Loads With a Pulse Skipping Eco-mode?
  • Fixed 570 kHz Switching Frequency
  • Typical 1-μA Shutdown Quiescent Current
  • Adjustable Slow-Start Limits Inrush Currents
  • Programmable UVLO Threshold
  • Overvoltage Transient Protection
  • Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit, Frequency Fold Back, and Thermal ShutdownProtection
  • Available in Easy-to-Use SOIC8 Package or Thermally Enhanced SOIC8PowerPAD? Package
  • Create aCustom Design with WEBENCH Tools

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


The TPS54331 device is a 28-V, 3-A non-synchronous buck converter that integrates a lowRDS(on) high-side MOSFET. To increase efficiency at light loads, a pulseskipping Eco-mode feature is automatically activated. Furthermore, the 1-μA shutdown supply-currentallows the device to be used in battery-powered applications. Current mode control with internalslope compensation simplifies the external compensation calculations and reduces component countwhile allowing the use of ceramic output capacitors. A resistor divider programs the hysteresis ofthe input undervoltage lockout. An overvoltage transient protection circuit limits voltageovershoots during startup and transient conditions. A cycle-by-cycle current-limit scheme,frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protect the device and the load in the event of an overloadcondition. The TPS54331 device is available in an 8-pin SOIC package and 8-pin SO PowerPAD packagethat have been internally optimized to improve thermal performance.

TPS54331DDAR所属分类:DC-DC开关调节器,TPS54331DDAR 由 德州仪器 (Texas) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。TPS54331DDAR价格参考¥4.423080,你可以下载 TPS54331DDAR中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询TPS54331DDAR规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!

德州仪器 (Texas)

德州仪器 (Texas)


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