■ Supply voltage range: 3V to 15V
■ Tenth power TTL compatible: Drive 2 LPTTL loads
■ High noise margin: 1V guaranteed
■ High noise immunity: 0.45 VCC (typ.)
• Automotive
• Data terminals
• Instrumentation
• Medical electronics
• Alarm systems
• Industrial electronics
• Remote metering
• Computers
The MM74C154 one of sixteen decoder is a monolithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuit constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement transistors. The device is provided with two strobe inputs, both of which must be in the logical “0” state for normal operation. If either strobe input is in the logical “1” state, all 16 outputs will go to the logical “1” state.
To use the product as a demultiplexer, one of the strobe inputs serves as a data input terminal, while the other strobe input must be maintained in the logical “0” state. The information will then be transmitted to the selected output as determined by the 4-line input address.
(Picture: Pinout)