The Broadcom® BCM88790 is the fifth generationin the StrataDNX™ product line of Fabric Element(FE) devices, and is a self-routing cell-basedswitching element.Together with the BCM88690, the BCM88790provides a complete solution for switching fabric,traffic management, packet processing, and networkinterfaces. Switching platforms can scale upto 24,000 100GbE ports or 6,000 400GbE ports.The BCM88790 provides scalability in threedimensions: port rates, port count, and trafficmanagement services, allowing the user to connectmixed-rate line cards, for example 100 Gbpsthrough 9.6 Tbps each, with various traffic managementschemes.
The BCM88790 is used to build a variety of networkswitch solutions:
• Over 460 Tbps core/edge switches with singlestagefabric for data center, packet transport, orcarrier network applications.
• Multiple interconnected chassis of differentcapacities, using the BCM88790 two-stagefabric to create a scalable core platform thatdelivers up to 6,000 ports of 400GbE
- Self-routing device with dynamic load balancing
- Support for single-stage and three-stage fabricconfigurations
- Interconnects up to 1K of BCM88690 devices ina system
- Switches destination-routed and source-routeddata cells and control cells
- Supports fabric multicast and multicast loadbalancing
- Support for three pipes with flexible allocation,e.g., TDM/OTN - Unicast Data - Multicast Data
- Configurable SerDes rate
- Automatic fault detection
- Scheduled device removal and device insertionwithout cell loss
- Parallel local processor interface using twolanes PCIe Gen3 for configuration, monitoring,and statistics
- Option for Broadcom Serial Control (BSC)
- In-band management and configuration
- Built-in SerDes FEC and PRBS