

  • 描述:逻辑类型: 快速进位二进制全加法器 电源电压: 2V~6V 位数: four 供应商设备包装: 16-PDIP 工作温度: -55摄氏度~125摄氏度 安装类别: 通孔
  • 品牌: 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 交期:2-3 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽

起订量: 1

数量 单价 合计
1+ 5.02351 5.02351
10+ 4.21428 42.14289
25+ 3.80442 95.11050
100+ 3.40506 340.50610
  • 库存: 11183
  • 单价: ¥5.02352
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥5.02

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 部件状态 可供货
  • 制造厂商 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 位数 four
  • 工作温度 -55摄氏度~125摄氏度
  • 安装类别 通孔
  • 包装/外壳 16-DIP(0.300英寸,7.62毫米)
  • 供应商设备包装 16-PDIP
  • 逻辑类型 快速进位二进制全加法器
  • 电源电压 2V~6V

CD74HC283E 产品详情

The ’HC283 and ’HCT283 binary full adders add two 4-bit binary numbers and generate a carry-out bit if the sum exceeds 15.

Because of the symmetry of the add function, this device can be used with either all active-high operands (positive logic) or with all active-low operands (negative logic). When using positive logic the carry-in input must be tied low if there is no carry-in.


  • Adds Two Binary Numbers
  • Full Internal Lookahead
  • Fast Ripple Carry for Economical Expansion
  • Operates with Both Positive and Negative Logic
  • Fanout (Over Temperature Range) - Standard Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 LSTTL Loads - Bus Driver Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 LSTTL Loads
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range . . . -55°C to 125°C
  • Balanced Propagation Delay and Transition Times
  • Significant Power Reduction Compared to LSTTL Logic ICs
  • HC Types - 2V to 6V Operation - High Noise Immunity: NIL = 30%, NIH = 30% of VCC at VCC = 5V
  • HCT Types - 4.5V to 5.5V Operation - Direct LSTTL Input Logic Compatibility, VIL = 0.8V (Max), VIH = 2V (Min) - CMOS Input Compatibility, Il1μA at VOL, VOH

The ’HC283 and ’HCT283 binary full adders add two 4-bit binary numbers and generate a carry-out bit if the sum exceeds 15.

Because of the symmetry of the add function, this device can be used with either all active-high operands (positive logic) or with all active-low operands (negative logic). When using positive logic the carry-in input must be tied low if there is no carry-in.

CD74HC283E所属分类:专用逻辑芯片,CD74HC283E 由 德州仪器 (Texas) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。CD74HC283E价格参考¥5.023516,你可以下载 CD74HC283E中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询CD74HC283E规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!

德州仪器 (Texas)

德州仪器 (Texas)


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