The ISL8002, ISL8002A, ISL80019AIRZ-T and ISL80019A are highly efficient, monolithic, synchronous step-down DC/DC converters that can deliver up to 2A of continuous output current from a 2.7V to 5.5V input supply. They use peak current mode control architecture to allow very low duty cycle operation. They operate at either 1MHz or 2MHz switching frequency, thereby providing superior transient response and allowing for the use of small inductors. They also have excellent stability and provide both internal and external compensation options.The ISL8002, ISL8002A, ISL80019AIRZ-T and ISL80019A integrate very low rDS(ON) MOSFETs in order to maximize efficiency. In addition, since the high-side MOSFET is a PMOS, the need for a Boot capacitor is eliminated, thereby reducing external component count. They can operate at 100% duty cycle (at 1MHz) with a dropout of 200mV at 2A output current.These devices can be configured for either PFM (discontinuous conduction) or PWM (continuous conduction) operation at light load. PFM provides high efficiency by reducing switching losses at light loads and PWM reduces noise susceptibility and RF interference.These devices are offered in a space saving 8 pin 2mmx2mm TDFN lead free package with exposed pad for improved thermal performance. The complete converter occupies less than 0.10in2 area.
- VIN range 2.7V to 5.5V
- VOUT range is 0.6V to VIN
- IOUT maximum is 1.5A or 2A
- Switching frequency is 1MHz or 2MHz
- Internal or external compensation option
- Selectable PFM or PWM operation option
- Overcurrent and short circuit protection
- Over-temperature/thermal protection
- VIN Undervoltage Lockout and VOUT Overvoltage Protection
- Up to 95% peak efficiency