The 74LVC257AD is a 2-input quad Multiplexer with 3-state outputs, which select 4 bits of data from two sources and are controlled by a common data select input (pin S). The data inputs from source 0 (pins 1I0 to 4I0) are selected when pin S is low and the data inputs from source 1 (pins 1I1 to 4I1) are selected when pin S is high. Data appears at the outputs (pins 1Y to 4Y) in true (non-inverting) form from the selected inputs. The device is the logic implementation of a 4-pole, 2-position switch, where the position of the switch is determined by the logic levels applied to pin S. The outputs are forced to a high-impedance OFF-state when pin OE\ is high. Inputs can be driven from either 3.3 or 5V devices. When disabled, up to 5.5V can be applied to the outputs. These features allow the use of these devices as translators in mixed 3.3 and 5V applications.
- CMOS low-power consumption
- Direct interface with TTL levels
- Output drive capability 50W transmission lines at 85°C