The ST6G3244MEBJR is a dual supply, low voltage 6-bit bi-directional CMOS level translator for SD, mini SD and micro SD Cards. Designed for use as an interface between baseband and memory cards, it achieves high speed operation while maintaining CMOS low-power dissipation.
The A-port is designed to track VCCA. The internal LDO is powered by VBATand provides a power supply of either 1.8 V or 2.9 V to the B-side I/Os (programmed by the SEL pin). The B-port is designed to track VCCB. The VCCBvoltage can be also used externally. When VCCB= 0 V, there is no additional leakage seen on VCCA. All outputs are push-pull type. This device is intended for two-way asynchronous communication between data buses. The direction of data transmission is determined by CMD.dir, DAT0.dir and DAT123.dir inputs. All inputs are equipped with protection circuits against electrostatic discharge, giving them ±2 kV (on A-side) and ±15 kV (on B-side, CD and WP) ESD and transient excess voltage immunity.
- Supports60MHzclockrate
- SupportsDDRmodeforSDCard
- Compliantwith
- SDSpecificationPart1PhysicalLayerSpecification3.00(SDR12,SDR25,DDR50)
- SDSpecificationPart1PhysicalLayerSpecification2.00
- Bi-directionalwithdirectioncontrolpin
- Balancedpropagationdelays:tPLH≈tPHL
- LDOpower-downsupport.WhentheLDOispowereddown,VCCBispulledtoGNDviathe130Ωresistor.WhenVCCB=0V,thereisnoadditionalleakageseenonVCCA.
- EMIfilteringandsignalconditioning
- Supportsboth1.8Vand2.9Vdatatranslationoncardside
- IntegratedLDOtosupply1.8Vor2.9VpowerforB-sideI/Os(pin-selectable);canbeusedalsoexternally