The ON Semiconductor 74FST3126DTR2G is a quad, high performance switch. The device is CMOS TTL compatible when operating between 4 and 5.5 Volts. The device exhibits extremely low RON and adds nearly zero propagation delay. The device adds no noise or ground bounce to the system.The device consists of four independent 1-bit switches with separate Output/Enable (OE) pins. Port A is connected to Port B when OE is high. If OE is low, the switch is high Z.
- RON < 4 Ω Typical
- Less Than 0.25 ns–Max Delay Through Switch
- Nearly Zero Standby Current
- No Circuit Bounce
- Control Inputs are TTL/CMOS Compatible
- Pin–For–Pin Compatible With QS3126, FST3126, CBT3126
- All Popular Packages: QSOP–16, TSSOP–14, SOIC–14
- All Devices in Package TSSOP are Inherently Pb-Free*
(Picture: Pinout)