The SN74GTL2003PW device provides eight NMOS pass transistors (Sn and Dn) with a common gate (GREF) and a reference transistor (SREF and DREF). The low ON-state resistance of the switch allows connections to be made with minimal propagation delay. With no direction control pin required, the device allows bidirectional voltage translations any voltage (0.95 V to 5 V) to any voltage (0.95 V to 5 V).
All transistors in the SN74GTL2003PW have the same electrical characteristics, and there is minimal deviation from one output to another in voltage or propagation delay. This offers superior matching over discrete transistor voltage-translation solutions where the fabrication of the transistors is not symmetrical. With all transistors being identical, the reference transistor (SREF/DREF) can be located on any of the other eight matched Sn/Dn transistors, allowing for easier board layout. The translator transistors with integrated ESD circuitry provides excellent ESD protection.
- Provides Bidirectional Voltage Translation With No Direction Control Required
- Allows Voltage Level Translation From 0.95 V Up to 5 V
- Provides Direct Interface With GTL, GTL+, LVTTL/TTL, and 5-V CMOS Levels
- Supports 50 MHz Up/Down Translation at <=20pF Cap Load
- Low ON-State Resistance Between Input and Output Pins (Sn/Dn)
- Supports Hot Insertion
- No Power Supply Required – Will Not Latch Up
- 5-V-Tolerant Inputs
- Low Standby Current
- Flow-Through Pinout for Ease of Printed Circuit Board Trace Routing
- Bidirectional or Unidirectional Applications Requiring Voltage-Level Translation From Any Voltage (0.95 V to 5 V) to Any Voltage (0.95 V to 5 V)
- Low Voltage Processor I2C Port Translation to 3.3-V or 5-V I2C Bus Signal Levels
- GTL/GTL+ Translation to LVTTL/TTL Signal Levels
- HPC Server
- Dialysis Machines
- Service Router
- Servers