The NLSV8T240 is a 8-bit configurable dual-supply bus buffer level translator.The input (A-) and output (B-) ports are designed to track two different power supply rails, VCCA and VCCB respectively.Both supply rails are configurable from 0.9V to 4.5V allowing universal low-voltage translation from the input (A-) to the output (B-) port.
- Wide Operating Range
- VCCA and VCCB = 0.9 V to 4.5 V
- Nonpreferential VCCA and VCCB Sequencing
- Ease of Design
- HighSpeed w/ Balanced Propagation Delay
- Inputs and Outputs have OVT Protection to 4.5 V
- Outputs at 3 State until Active VCC is Reached
- PowerOff Protection
- Outputs Switch to 3State with VCCB at GND
- UltraSmall Packaging: 4.0 mm x 2.0 mm UDFN20
- Mobile Phones, PDAs, Other Portable Devices