The CAT25080HU4I-GT3 area EEPROM Serial 8-Kb SPI devices internally organized as 1024x8 bits. They feature a 32-byte page write buffer and support the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol. The device is enabled through a Chip Select (CS) input. In addition, the required bus signals are a clock input (SCK), data input (SI) and data output (SO) lines. The HOLD input may be used to pause any serial communication with the CAT25080HU4I-GT3 device. These devices feature software and hardware write protection, including partial as well as full array protection.
- 10 MHz SPI compatible
- 1.8 V to 5.5 V supply voltage range
- SPI modes (0,0 & 1,1)
- 32-byte page write buffer
- Self-timed write cycle
- Hardware and software protection
- Block write protection - Protect 1/4, 1/2 or all of EEPROM array
- Low power CMOS technology
- 1,000,000 program/erase cycles
- 100 year data retention
- Industrial temperature range
- RoHS-compliant 8 lead SOIC and TSSOP, UDFN 8-pad packages
- Automotive Systems
- Communications Systems
- Computer Systems
- Consumer Systems
- Industrial Systems