High-performance 64K EEPROM offers access times to 150ns with power dissipation of 220mW. Deselected, CMOS standby current is less than 100µA . It is accessed like static RAM for the read or write cycle without external components. It contains a 64-byte page register to allow writing of up to 64 bytes simultaneously. The EEPROM features Internal error correction for extended endurance and improved data retention. Optional software data protection mechanism guards against inadvertent writes, and an extra 64 bytes of EEPROM enables device identification or tracking.
- 150ns Fast read access time
- Automatic page write operation - Internal address and data latches for 64 bytes
- Fast write cycle times - 1 to 64-byte page write operation
- Low power dissipation
- Hardware and software data protection
- Data polling and toggle bit for end of write detection
- High reliability CMOS technology
- Single 5V ±10% supply
- CMOS and TTL compatible inputs and outputs
- JEDEC approved byte-wide pinout
- Industrial temperature range