The ON Semiconductor serial SRAM family includes several integrated memory devices including this 256 kb serially accessed Static Random Access Memory, internally organized as 32 k words by 8 bits. The devices are designed and fabricated using advanced CMOS technology to provide both high-speed performance and low power. The devices operate with a single chip select (CS) input and use a simple Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial bus. A single data in and data out line is used along with a clock to access data within the devices. The N25S818HAS21I devices include a HOLD pin that allows communication to the device to be paused. While paused, input transitions will be ignored. The devices can operate over a wide temperature range of -40°C to +85°C and can be available in several standard package offerings.
- 1.7 to 1.95 V power supply range
- Very low standby current - typical Isb as low as 200 nA
- Very low operating current - as low as 3 mA
- Simple memory control: single chip select (CS), serial input (SI) and serial output (SO)
- Flexible operating modes: word read and write, page mode (32 word page), and burst mode (full array)
- 32 K x 8 bit organization
- Self timed write cycles
- Built-in write protection (CS high)
- HOLD pin for pausing communication