Maxim Integrated MAX20733/MAX20745 Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulators are highly efficient and fully integrated. The regulators are for applications operating from 4.5V to 16V. The MAX20733 requires up to 35A maximum load. The MAX20745 requires up to 25A maximum load. The MAX20733/MAX20745 regulators offer high-efficiency power-delivery solutions with high-precision output voltages. The devices have an excellent transient response for networking, datacom, and telecom equipment. The single chip regulators provide an extensive range of programmable features through capacitors and resistors connected to dedicated programming pins. Applying this feature, the operation can be optimized for a particular application. Thus, reducing the component count and/or setting appropriate trade-offs between the regulator's performance and system cost. Using the same design for multiple applications establishes ease of programming.
- Saves Board Space
- Integrated Charge Pump Circuitry
- Eliminates the Need for a Bipolar ±12V Supply
- Enables Single Supply Operation From Either +5V or 9V to +12V
- Integrated 0.1μF Capacitors (MAX203, MAX205)
- 24 pin SSOP Package Saves Up to 40% Versus SO Package
- Saves Power for Longer Battery Operation
- 5μW Shutdown Mode (MAX200, MAX205, MAX206, MAX211)
- 75μW Ring Indicator Monitoring with Two Active Receivers (MAX213)
- Battery-Powered Equipment
- Handheld Equipment
- Portable Diagnostics Equipment