The L200CH is a monolithic integrated circuit for voltage and current programmable regulation. It is available in Pentawattpackage or 4-lead TO-3 metal case. Current limiting, power limiting, thermal shutdown and input overvoltage protection (up to 60 V) make the L200CH virtually blow-out proof.
The L200CH can be used to replace fixed voltage regulators when high output voltage precision is required and eliminates the need to stock a range of fixed voltage regulators.
- AdjustableOutputCurrentUpTo2A(GuaranteedUpToTj=150℃)
- AdjustableOutputVoltageDownTo2.85V
- InputOvervoltageProtection(UpTo60V,10ms)
- ShortCircuitProtection
- OutputTransistorS.O.A.Protection
- ThermalOverloadProtection
- LowStandbyCurrentDrain