The ST8R00PUR is a synchronous PWM step-up DC-DC converter. The device is able to provide an output voltage in the range of 6 to 12 V with an input voltage from 4 to 6 V. The high switching frequency (1.7 MHz) permits the use of tiny surface-mount components. In addition to the resistor divider to set the output voltage value, only an inductor and two capacitors are required. Moreover, a low output ripple is guaranteed by the current mode PWM topology and by the use of low ESR SMD ceramic capacitors. The device is available in a very small DFN8 (4 x 4 mm) package.
- Outputvoltageadjustablefrom6Vto12V
- Outputvoltageaccuracy:±2%
- Outputcurrentupto1A
- Lowripplevoltage:5mV(typ.)
- Synchronousrectification
- High90%efficiency:VO=9V(typ.)
- Fewexternalcomponents
- Thermalshutdownprotection
- VerysmallDFN8(4x4mm)package