The MAX15515GWP+T and MAX1555 charge a single-cell lithium-ion (Li+) battery from both USB and AC adapter sources. They operate with no external FETs or diodes, and accept operating input voltages up to 7V. On-chip thermal limiting simplifies PC board layout and allows optimum charging rate without the thermal limits imposed by worst-case battery and input voltage. When the MAX15515GWP+T and MAX1555 thermal limits are reached, the chargers do not shut down, but progressively reduce charging current. The MAX15515GWP+T includes an active-low POK output to indicate when input power is present. If either charging source is active, active-low POK goes low. The MAX1555 instead features a active-low CHG output to indicate charging status. With USB connected, but without DC power, charge current is set to 100mA (max). This allows charging from both powered and unpowered USB hubs with no port communication required. When DC power is connected, charging current is set at 280mA (typ). No input-blocking diodes are required to prevent battery drain. The MAX15515GWP+T and MAX1555 are available in 5-pin thin SOT23 packages and operate over a -40°C to +85°C range.
- Charge from USB or AC Adapter
- Automatic Switchover when AC Adapter is Plugged In
- On-Chip Thermal Limiting Simplifies Board Design
- Charge Status Indicator
- 5-Pin Thin SOT23 Package
- Cell Phones
- Digital Cameras
- PDAs
- Wireless Appliances