The LM1577/LM2577T-12/LF03 are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all of the power and control functions for step-up (boost), flyback, and forward converter switching regulators. The device is available in three different output voltage versions: 12V, 15V, and adjustable.
Requiring a minimum number of external components, these regulators are cost effective, and simple to use. Listed in this data sheet are a family of standard inductors and flyback transformers designed to work with these switching regulators.
Included on the chip is a 3.0A NPN switch and its associated protection circuitry, consisting of current and thermal limiting, and undervoltage lockout. Other features include a 52 kHz fixed-frequency oscillator that requires no external components, a soft start mode to reduce in-rush current during start-up, and current mode control for improved rejection of input voltage and output load transients.
- Requires Few External Components
- NPN Output Switches 3.0A, can Stand off 65V
- Wide Input Voltage Range: 3.5V to 40V
- Current-mode Operation for Improved Transient Response, Line Regulation, and Current Limit
- 52 kHz Internal Oscillator
- Soft-start Function Reduces In-rush Current During Start-up
- Output Switch Protected by Current Limit, Under-voltage Lockout, and Thermal Shutdown