The MAX8660/MAX8661 power management ICs (PMICs) power applications processors (APs) in smart cellular phones, PDAs, Internet appliances, and other portable devices. Four step-down DC-DC outputs, three linear regulators, and an 8th always-on LDO are integrated with power-management functions. Two dynamically controlled DC-DC outputs power the processor core and internal memory. Two other DC-DC converters power I/O, memory, and other peripherals. Additional functions include on/off control for outputs, low-battery detection, reset output, and a 2-wire I2C serial interface. The MAX8661 functions the same as the MAX8660, except it lacks the REG1 step-down regulator and the REG7 linear regulator. All step-down DC-to-DC outputs use fast 2MHz PWM switching and tiny external components. They automatically switch from PWM to high-efficiency, light-load operation to reduce operating current and extend battery life. In addition, a forced-PWM option allows low-noise operation at all loads. Overvoltage lockout protects the device against inputs up to 7.5V.
- Optimized for Marvell's PXA300 and Armada 100 Family of Processors
- Protected to 7.5V—Shutdown Above 6.3V
- Four Synchronous Step-Down Converters
- Four LDO Regulators
- 2MHz Switching Allows Small Components
- Low, 20μA Deep-Sleep Current
- Low-Battery Monitor and Reset Output
- Digital Cameras
- PDAs, Palmtops, and Wireless Handhelds
- Personal Media Players
- Portable GPS Navigation Systems
- Smart Cell Phones