The MAX8667/MAX8668ETET+ dual step-down converters with dual low-dropout (LDO) linear regulators are intended to power low-voltage microprocessors or DSPs in portable devices. They feature high efficiency with small external component size. The step-down converters are adjustable from 0.6V to 3.3V (MAX8668) or factory preset (MAX8667) with guaranteed output current of 600mA for OUT1 and 1200mA for OUT2. The 1.5MHz hysteretic-PWM control scheme allows for tiny external components and reduces no-load operating current to 100μA with all outputs enabled. Dual low-quiescent-current, low-noise LDOs operate down to 1.7V supply voltage. The MAX8667/MAX8668ETET+ have individual enables for each output, maximizing flexibility. The MAX8667/MAX8668ETET+ are available in the space-saving, 3mm x 3mm, 16-pin thin QFN package.
- Tiny, Thin QFN 3mm x 3mm Package
- Individual Enables
- Step-Down Converters
- 600mA Guaranteed Output Current on OUT1
- 1200mA Guaranteed Output Current on OUT2
- Tiny Size 2.2μH Chip Inductor (0805)
- Output Voltage from 0.6V to 3.3V (MAX8668)
- Ultra-Fast Line and Load Transients
- Low 25μA Supply Current Each
- LDOs
- 300mA Guaranteed
- Low 1.7V Minimum Supply Voltage
- Low Output Noise
- Cell Phones/Smartphones
- Digital Cameras, Camcorders
- Handheld Instruments
- PCMCIA Cards
- PDA and Palmtop Computers
- Portable MP3 and DVD Players