The LK112SM33TR is a low-dropout linear regulator with a built-in electronic switch. The internal switch can be controlled by TTL or CMOS logic levels. The device is on-state when the control pin is pulled to a logic high level. An external capacitor can be connected to the noise bypass pin to reduce the output noise level to 30 μVrms. An internal PNP pass transistor is used to achieve a low-dropout voltage. The LK112SM33TR has a very low quiescent current in on mode while in off mode Iqis reduced below 100 nA max. The internal thermal shutdown circuitry limits the junction temperature below 150 °C. Load current is internally monitored and the device shuts down in the presence of a short-circuit or overcurrent condition on the output.
- 0.1 μA in OFF mode and max. 250 μA in ON mode at IOUT= 0 mA
- typ. 30 μV at IOUT= 60 mA and 10 Hz < f < 80 kHz
- VOUT+ 0.5 to 14 V (for VOUT> 2 V) or from 2.5 V to 14 V (for VOUT< 2 V)