The MIC3775BMM is a 750mA low dropout linear voltage regulator that provides low-voltage, high-current output from an extremely small package. Utilizing proprietary Superβeta PNP® pass element, the MIC3775BMM offers extremely low dropout (typically 280mV at 750mA) and low ground current (typically 7.5mA at 750mA).
The MIC3775BMM is ideal for PC add-in cards that need to convert from standard 5V to 3.3V or 3.0V, 3.3V to 2.5V, or 2.5V to 1.8V or 1.65V. A guaranteed maximum dropout voltage of 500mV over all operating conditions allows the MIC3775BMM to provide 2.5V from a supply as low as 3.0V and 1.8V or 1.5V from a supply as low as 2.25V.
The MIC3775BMM is fully protected with overcurrent limiting, thermal shutdown, and reverse leakage protection. Fixed and adjustable output voltage options are available with an operating temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.
- Fixed and adjustable output voltages to 1.24V
- 280mV typical dropout at 750mA
- Ideal for 3.0V to 2.5V conversion
- Ideal for 2.5V to 1.8V or 1.65V conversion
- Stable with ceramic capacitor
- 750mA minimum guaranteed output current
- 1% initial accuracy
- Low ground current
- Current limiting and thermal shutdown
- Reverse leakage protection
- Fast transient response
- Low-profile power MSOP-8 package