The CY7C1338B-100AC and CY7C143 are high-speed CMOS 2K by 16 dual-port static RAMs. Two ports are provided permitting independent access to any location in memory. The CY7C1338B-100AC can be utilized as either a stand-alone 16-bit dual-port static RAM or as a master dual-port RAM in conjunction with the CY7C143 slave dual-port device in systems requiring 32-bit or greater word widths. It is the solution to applications requiring shared or buffered data, such as cache memory for DSP, bit-slice, or multiprocessor designs.
• True dual-ported memory cells which allow simultaneous reads of the same memory location
• 2K x 16 organization
• 0.65-micron CMOS for optimum speed/power
• High-speed access: 25/35/55 ns
• Low operating power: ICC = 150 mA (typ.)
• Fully asynchronous operation
• Master CY7C133 expands data bus width to 32 bits or more using slave CY7C143
• BUSY output flag on CY7C133; BUSY input flag on CY7C143
• Available in 68-pin PLCC