The LM217M/LM317M Monolithic integrated circuits (IC) by STMicroelectronics are for use as positive linear voltage regulators with adjustable output. They come supplied in packages such as TO220 and DPAK. The voltage regulator can adjust over a range of 1.2 V to 37 V supplying 500 mA of load current. The regulator is easy to use and the output voltage is selected via a resistive divider.
Output voltage range: 1.2 V to 37 V at 500 mA
Line regulation 0.01%; Load regulation 0.1%
Thermal overload protection, short circuit protection and safe area compensation
Floating operation for high-voltage applications
- Outputvoltagerange:1.2to37V
- Outputcurrentinexcessof1.5A
- 0.1%lineandloadregulation
- Floatingoperationforhighvoltages
- Completeseriesofprotections:currentlimiting,thermalshutdownandSOAcontrol