The TLE4471 is a monolithic integrated very low-drop triple voltage regulator. The main output supplies loads up to 450 mA and the additional tracked outputs can provide up to 50 mA and 100 mA. In addition the device includes a watchdog for microcontroller supervision, an under voltage reset, a power on reset and extended enabling features.The watchdog and reset timing can be chosen independently of each other. The TLE4471 is available in a Power PG-DSO-20 package. It is designed to supply microprocessor systems under the severe condition of automotive applications and therefore it is equipped with additional protection against overload, short circuit and over temperature. Of course the TLE4471 can be used in other applications as well. The TLE4471 operates in the temperature range of T j = -40 to 150° C.
- Triple Voltage Regulator
- Output Voltage 5 V with 450 mA Current Capability
- Two tracked Outputs for 50 mA and 100 mA
- Enable Function for main and tracked Output(s)
- Reset with adjustable Threshold
- Under voltage- and Power On-Reset
- Watchdog
- Independent Watchdog- and Reset delay
- Wide Temperature Range
- Over temperature Protection
- Over voltage Protection
- Reverse Polarity Proof
- Green Product (RoHS compliant)
- AEC Qualified
- Robust Protection Features
- Wide Input Operation and Temperature Range
- Automotive General