The MAX1982/MAX1983 are low-voltage, low-dropout linear regulators with an external bias supply input. The 5V bias supply drives the gate of the internal N-channel pass transistor, making these devices ideal for applications that require low-voltage outputs from low-voltage inputs. The MAX1982EUT+T delivers 1.2V (±3%) at 300mA from an input voltage of 1.25V to 5.5V. The MAX1983 delivers an adjustable output voltage from 0.8V to 2V. The MAX1982/MAX1983 include a current-limit and thermal shutdown that protects the regulator in the event of a fault condition. Both devices are offered in a 6-pin SOT23 package and are specified over the extended (-40°C to +85°C) temperature range.
- Low-Cost 1.2V, 300mA VID Supply
- ±3% Output Voltage Accuracy
- No Minimum Load Current Required
- 1.25V to 5.5V Input Supply Voltage
- 5V Input Bias Supply Voltage
- Power-Good (PGOOD) Open-Drain Output with 1ms Rising Edge Propagation Delay (MAX1982)
- Adjustable Output Voltage (MAX1983)
- Low Supply Current (IBIAS + IIN = 165μA typ)
- 5μA (max) Shutdown Supply Current
- Tiny 6-Pin SOT23 Package
- Cell Phones
- Low-Dropout Regulators with External Bias Supply
- Notebook Computers
- PDAs
- VID Power Supplies