The 71V30S25TFI high-speed 1K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM is designed to be used as a stand-alone 8-bit Dual-Port SRAM. It has two independent ports with separate control, address, and I/O pins that permit independent, asynchronous access for reads or writes to any location in memory. An automatic power down feature, controlled by CE, permits the on chip circuitry of each port to enter a very low standby power mode.
- True Dual-Ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location
- On-chip port arbitration logic
- Interrupt flags for port-to-port communication
- Fully asynchronous operation from either port
- Battery backup operation, 2V data retention (L Only)
- TTL-compatible, single 3.3V ±0.3V power supply
- Available in 64-pin STQFP Package
- Industrial temperature range (–40C to +85C) is available