The ISL78307FBEAZ is a high voltage, low quiescent current linear regulator ideally suited for “always-on” and “keep alive” automotive applications. The ISL78307FBEAZ operates from an input voltage of +6V to +40V under normal operating conditions and operates down to +3V under a cold crank. It consumes only 18µA of quiescent current at no load on the adjustable version.
The ISL78307FBEAZ is available in fixed 3.3V, 5V, and adjustable output voltage (2.5V to 12V) options. It features an EN pin that can be used to put the device into a low-quiescent current shutdown mode where it draws only 1.8µA of supply current. The device features over-temperature shutdown and current limit protection.
The ISL78307FBEAZ is AEC-Q100 qualified. It is rated across the -40°C to +125°C automotive temperature range and is available in an 8 Ld EPSOIC with exposed pad package.
- Optimized for “always-on” automotive applications
- 18µA typical quiescent current
- Ensured 50mA output current
- Operates through cold crank down to 3V
- 40V tolerant logic level (TTL/CMOS) enable input
- 1.8µA of typical shutdown current
- Low dropout voltage of 120mV at 50mA
- Fixed +3.3V, +5.0V and adjustable output voltage options
- Stable operation with 10µF output capacitor
- Thermal shutdown and current limit protection
- -40°C to +125°C operating temperature range
- Thermally enhanced 8 Ld exposed pad SOIC package
- AEC-Q100 qualified
- 6kV ESD HBM rated
- Pb-free (RoHS compliant) APPLICATIONS
- Automotive
- Industrial
- Telecom