The LD1085V is a low drop voltage regulator able to provide up to 3 A of output current. Dropout is guaranteed at a maximum of 1.2 V at the maximum output current, decreasing at lower loads. The LD1085V is pin-to-pin compatible with the older 3-terminal adjustable regulators, but offers better performance in terms of drop and output tolerance.
Unlike PNP regulators, where a part of the output current is wasted as quiescent current, the LD1085V quiescent current flows into the load, thus increase efficiency. Only a 10 μF minimum capacitor is need for stability. The device is supplied in TO-220, TO-220FP, D2PAK and D2PAK/A packages. On-chip trimming allows the regulator to reach a very tight output voltage tolerance, within ± 1% at 25 °C.
- Typicaldropout1.3V(at3A)
- Threeterminaladjustableorfixedoutputvoltage1.8V,2.5V,3.3V,5V
- Guaranteedoutputcurrentupto3A
- Outputtolerance±1%at25°Cand±2%infulltemperaturerange
- Internalpowerandthermallimit
- Wideoperatingtemperaturerange-40°Cto125°C
- Packageavailable:TO-220,TO-220FP,D2PAK,D2PAK/A
- PinoutcompatibilitywithstandardadjustableVREG