Fairchild Semiconductor LM317 series is an adjustable Linear Voltage Regulator. The 3-terminal positive voltage regulator can offer an output current of 1.5A with an output voltage ranging between 1.2 to 37 V. The easy to use LM317LZ adjustable voltage regulator can be used in various applications and on-card regulation.
Output Current In Excess of 1.5 A
Adjustable Output: 1.2 V and 37 V
Internal Thermal Overload Protection/ Short Circuit Current Limiting
Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Compensation
- Outputvoltagerange:1.2to37V
- Outputcurrentinexcessof1.5A
- 0.1%lineandloadregulation
- Floatingoperationforhighvoltages
- Completeseriesofprotections:currentlimiting,thermalshutdownandSOAcontrol