The NCP1014ST100T3G is a self-supplied Monolithic Switcher for low standby-power offline SMPS. It integrates a fixed-frequency current-mode controller and a 700V MOSFET. Short-circuit detection takes place when the feedback signal fades away, in true short-circuit conditions or in broken opto coupler cases. External disabling is easily done either simply by pulling the feedback pin down or latching it to ground through an inexpensive SCR for complete latched-off. Finally soft-start and frequency jittering further ease the designer task to quickly develop and robust offline power supplies. For improved standby performance, the connection of an auxiliary winding stops the DSS operation and helps to consume less than 100mW at high line. In this mode, a built-in latched over-voltage protection prevents from lethal voltage runaways in case the opto coupler would brake.
- Large creepage distance between high-voltage pins
- Skip-cycle operation at low peak currents only - no acoustic noise
- Dynamic self-supply, no need for an auxiliary winding
- Internal 1ms soft-start
- Latched over-voltage protection with auxiliary winding operation
- Frequency jittering for better EMI signature
- Auto-recovery internal output short-circuit protection
- Internal temperature shutdown
- Direct opto coupler connection
- SPICE models available for transient analysis