The MC33364DG is a Critical Conduction GreenLine™ Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Controller that operates in the critical conduction mode. It is optimized for high density power supplies requiring minimum board area, reduced component count and low power dissipation. Integration of the high voltage startup saves approximately 0.7W of power compared to the value of the resistor bootstrapped circuits. It features an on-board reference, UVLO function, a watchdog timer to initiate output switching, a zero current detector to ensure critical conduction operation, a current sensing comparator, leading edge blanking, a CMOS driver and cycle-by-cycle current limiting. The MC33364D has an internal 126kHz frequency clamp which is pinned out, so that the designer can adjust the clamp frequency by connecting appropriate values of resistance.
- Lossless offline start-up
- Leading edge blanking for noise immunity
- Watchdog timer to initiate switching
- Shutdown capability
- Over temperature protection
- Adjustable frequency clamp to limit EMI