The LTC4126EV#TRMPBF is a low-power wireless single-cell Li-Ionbattery charger with an integrated step-down DC/DCregulator. The step-down regulator is a low-noise multimodecharge pump which is powered from the batteryand provides a regulated 1.2V at the output. The switchingfrequency is set to either 50kHz or 75kHz depending on themode to keep any switching noise out of the audible range.
The LTC4126EV#TRMPBF charger is a full-featured constant-currentconstant-voltage Li-Ion battery charger with automaticrecharge, automatic termination by safety timer, andbattery temperature monitoring via an NTC pin. Chargecurrent is fixed at 7.5mA with a 6-hour termination timer.Undervoltage protection disconnects the battery from allloads when the battery voltage is below 3.0V.
The tiny 2mm × 2mm LQFN package and minimal externalcomponent count make the LTC4126EV#TRMPBF well suited for Li-Ionbattery powered hearing aid applications and other lowpower portable devices where a small solution size isrequired.
- Wireless Li-Ion Battery Charger Plus High Efficiency Multi-Mode Charge Pump DC/DC
- Wideband Rx Frequency: DC to >10MHz
- Integrated Rectifier with Overvoltage Limit
- Pin Selectable Charge Voltage: 4.2V or 4.35V
- Charge Current: 7.5mA (Fixed)
- Low Battery Disconnect: 3.0V
- NTC Pin for Temperature Qualified Charging
- DC/DC Regulated Output: 1.2V
- DC/DC Output Current: Up to 60mA
- 50kHz/75kHz Switching, No Audible Noise
- Pushbutton and/or Digital on/off Control for DC/DC
- Thermally Enhanced 12-Lead 2mm × 2mm LQFN Package
- Hearing Aids
- Low Power Li-Ion Powered Devices
- Wireless Headsets
- IoT Wearables