The STBC08PMR is a constant current/constant voltage charger for single-cell Li-Ion batteries.
Neither external sense resistor nor blocking diode are required. The STBC08PMR is designed to work within USB power specifications. An internal block regulates the current when the junction temperature increases, to protect the device when it operates in high power or high ambient temperature conditions. The charge voltage is fixed at 4.2 V, and current limitation can be programmed using a single resistor connected between PROG pin and GND. The charge cycle is automatically terminated when the current, which flows to the battery, is 1/10 of the programmed value. If the external adapter is removed, the STBC08PMR turns off and a 2 μA current can flow from the battery to the device. The device can be in shutdown mode, reducing the supply current to 25 μA. The device also has a charge current monitor, undervoltage lockout, automatic recharge. The charge termination and input voltage presence are indicated by two separated status pins.
- Programmablechargecurrentupto800mA
- NoexternalMOSFET,senseresistorsorblockingdiodearerequired
- Completelinearchargerforsingle-cellLi-Ionbatteries
- Constantcurrent/constantvoltageoperationwiththermalregulationtomaximizechargeratewithoutriskofoverheating
- Twochargestatusoutputpins
- Chargesingle-cellLi-IonbatteriesdirectlyfromUSBport
- Preset4.2Vchargevoltagewith1%accuracy
- Chargecurrentmonitorforgasgauge